

Navigation Layout

{/* Uses a transparent header that draws on top of the layout's background */}
<div style={{height: '300px', position: 'relative'}}>
    <Layout style={{background: 'url( center / cover'}}>
        <Header transparent title="Title" style={{color: 'white'}}>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Content />
{/* No header, and the drawer stays open on larger screens (fixed drawer). */}
<div style={{height: '300px', position: 'relative'}}>
    <Layout fixedDrawer>
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Content />
{/* Always shows a header, even in smaller screens. */}
<div style={{height: '300px', position: 'relative'}}>
    <Layout fixedHeader>
        <Header title={<span><span style={{ color: '#ddd' }}>Area / </span><strong>The Title</strong></span>}>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Content />
{/* The drawer is always open in large screens. The header is always shown, even in small screens. */}
<div style={{height: '300px', position: 'relative'}}>
    <Layout fixedHeader fixedDrawer>
        <Header title="Title">
                onChange={() => {}}
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Content />
{/* Uses a header that scrolls with the text, rather than staying locked at the top */}
<div className="demo-big-content">
        <Header title="Title" scroll>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
            <div className="page-content" />
{/* Uses a header that contracts as the page scrolls down. */}
<div className="demo-big-content">
        <Header waterfall>
            <HeaderRow title="Title">
                    onChange={() => {}}
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
            <div className="page-content" />
{/* Hide the top part of the header when scrolling down */}
<div className="demo-big-content">
        <Header waterfall hideTop>
            <HeaderRow title="Title">
                    onChange={() => {}}
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
                    <a href="#">Link</a>
        <Drawer title="Title">
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
                <a href="#">Link</a>
            <div className="page-content" />
// Simple header with scrollable tabs
class Demo extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { activeTab: 2 };

    render() {
        return (
            <div style={{height: '300px', position: 'relative'}}>
                <Layout fixedHeader>
                        <HeaderRow title="Title" />
                        <HeaderTabs ripple activeTab={this.state.activeTab} onChange={(tabId) => this.setState({ activeTab: tabId })}>
                    <Drawer title="Title" />
                        <div className="page-content">Content for the tab: {this.state.activeTab}</div>
{/* Simple header with fixed tabs. */}
<div style={{height: '300px', position: 'relative'}}>
    <Layout fixedHeader fixedTabs>
            <HeaderRow title="Title" />
            <HeaderTabs ripple activeTab={1} onChange={(tabId) => {}}>
        <Drawer title="Title" />
            <div className="page-content">You can add logic to update the content of this container based on the "activeTab" receive in the `onChange` callback.</div>


Element Prop Type Effect Remarks
Drawer title String Set the Drawer title Optional
Layout fixedDrawer Boolean Makes the drawer always visible and open in larger screens Optional
Layout fixedHeader Boolean Makes the header always visible, even in small screens Optional
Layout fixedTabs Boolean Uses fixed tabs instead of the default scrollable tabs Optional
Header scroll Boolean Makes the header scroll with the content Optional
Header seamed Boolean Uses a header without a shadow Optional
Header title Any Set the layout title Optional
Header transparent Boolean Makes header transparent Optional
Header waterfall Boolean Allows a “waterfall” effect with multiple header lines Optional
Header hideTop Boolean Hide the top part of the header when used with waterfall Optional
Header hideSpacer Boolean Removes the spacer from the header Optional
HeaderRow title Any Set the layout title Optional
HeaderRow hideSpacer Boolean Removes the spacer from the header Optional
Content component String, Element, Function Specify the custom component to use to render the element Optional. Default ‘div’


<Footer size="mega">
    <FooterSection type="middle">
        <FooterDropDownSection title="Features">
                <a href="#">About</a>
                <a href="#">Terms</a>
                <a href="#">Partners</a>
                <a href="#">Updates</a>
        <FooterDropDownSection title="Details">
                <a href="#">Specs</a>
                <a href="#">Tools</a>
                <a href="#">Resources</a>
        <FooterDropDownSection title="Technology">
                <a href="#">How it works</a>
                <a href="#">Patterns</a>
                <a href="#">Usage</a>
                <a href="#">Products</a>
                <a href="#">Contracts</a>
        <FooterDropDownSection title="FAQ">
                <a href="#">Questions</a>
                <a href="#">Answers</a>
                <a href="#">Contact Us</a>
    <FooterSection type="bottom" logo="Title">
            <a href="#">Help</a>
            <a href="#">Privacy & Terms</a>
<Footer size="mini">
    <FooterSection type="left" logo="Title">
            <a href="#">Help</a>
            <a href="#">Privacy & Terms</a>


Element Prop Type Effect Remarks
Footer size String (mini, mega) Set the size of the footer Optional, default “mega”
FooterSection logo String Set the “logo” name Optional, used only in the mini footer
FooterSection type String (top, middle, bottom, left, right) Set the section type Optional, default left
FooterDropDownSection title String Set the “logo” name Required